Note: This person will also receive all communications regarding the fair to forward to their attendees
*Information that is collected (i.e. web address, company website, positions recruiting for, etc.) will be posted on our student site as employer profiles for students to view.
Dietary restrictions for attendees
We require access to an electrical outlet
*We are interested in providing a personal care or non-perishable food item(s) to the Fanshawe College Sharing Shop for students
If your company is a Registered Not-For-Profit Organization, please select "Yes"
What type of opportunities are you recruiting for?
What positions will you be recruiting for?
What skills are you looking for in your potential candidates?
Are there programs or disciplines that are of a particular interest to you?
Approximate number of positions that you are looking to fill
Where will these opportunities be posted for students to view?
How should students apply for these positions?
How should students prepare to meet with your representatives?
I provide express consent to be contacted by Fanshawe College Career Services
*I provide express consent to be contacted by a Fanshawe Partner
*Have you attended the career fair in the past
*Are you a Fanshawe Alumni?
*Are you a Mentor with InSPIRE Mentoring?